4th International Conference On Bowen Systems Theory 2024

Welcome to the official page for for the 4th International Conference on Bowen Systems Theory that will take place in sunny Miami, February 22-24, 2024.

The conference itself will be held at Albizu University in Doral, Florida. Doral is a short drive from Miami Beach and down town Miami. Miami is a beautiful place to visit in February, and offers many cultural and artistic sightings, fine dining, and beaches to enjoy.

This conference is unique in that it will also offer a hybrid platform that will allow participants to join live from anywhere in the world. Of course, we hope to see many of you attend in person. There will be opportunities to gather with fellow Bowen thinkers and presenters outside the scheduled presentations, and we hope many of you take advantage of that. After the last few years being rather confined for travel, we are thrilled to have a space to personally get together again with the Bowen community.

At the same time, we understand that traveling to Miami can be far for some of you, or not possible for whatever circumstances. Therefore we are excited that for those who cannot attend in person, there is a way to join the conference from the comfort of your home.

Please stay tuned as we continuously update this webpage for helpful information about the 4th International Conference on Bowen Systems Theory in Miami.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at: info@ffrnbowentheory.org.

Your FFRN Team

Here is some helpful information listed for attendees in planning their trip to Miami.

Conference Registration:

Conference Schedule:


Travel Information:

Nearby Accommodations:

Things to do in Miami:

Dining Suggestions in Miami: